Top 10 Job Interview Questions and Practical Answers

job interview questions

Preparing for a job interview can be really stressful especially if it is your first interview or you are desperately in need of the job, but with adequate preparation you can save yourself from the anxiety of job intervies. If you are entering the labor market for the first time or you are in the process of changing jobs, you can use these guidelines to prepare for your next interview.

Here is a list of the top 10 job interview questions that you are likely to face especially at the first stage/HR stage of your upcoming interview. Possible answers that will help you impress your interviewers and hopefully, secure your dream job have also been included..

  1. Can we meet you?

This is one of the first questions you are going to face from your interviewer. The question is meant to get a sense of who you are and what makes you unique. Your answer should include a quick summary of your experience and personality that makes you fit for the job. Always remember that your answer to this question often determines the trajectory of the interview.

Always remember to keep your answers positive and professional.

  1. What did you study?

When your interviewer asks you, “What did you study?” they want to know more about your educational background and how it makes you fit for the job you applied for.

Your answer to this this question should be:

“I have a Bachelor’s Degree in (You can add Your Field of Study Here) from … Some of the modules I took in school include… my undergraduate thesis was on … where I reviewed … and concluded that … ”.

Although, information like this are always enclosed in your Curriculum Vitae (CV), you might need to present it in a concise manner and show how your course of study positions you for the job. However, if your course of study doesn’t relate to the job, you must go the extra mile to show transferable skills and other certifications you have in the new field.

  1. Do you have any working experience in this field?

This is a very tricky question, especially for job seekers who do not have any experience in the type of job they applied for. Interviewers typically asks about your work experience to learn about your skills, knowledge and capabilities in relation to the job and to know if you have worked in similar roles in the past.

For those with working experience, your interviewer will be looking for specific details about your responsibilities and accomplishments, while for those without experience, your interviewer will want to know if you have the transferable skills that can be applied to the job.

For a candidate with previous job experience, your answer should be:

“Yes, I have 5 years experience in this field. Most recently, I worked as a … at … where I gained valuable experience in … I helped the company to achieve … which helped the company to avoid regulatory penalties. I also championed the introduction of … which helped the company to increase its profit by 5%. I believe my skills and experience makes me well suited for this position”.

For a candidate without a previous job experience in the field, your answer could be:

“While I don’t have a direct experience in this field, I am opened to learning more about this job and I believe my skills can be applied to the position that I am applying for. I am also a quick learner who is eager to gain hands-on experience in this position”.

With this response, the interviewer will know that you are opened to gaining first-hand experience on the job which in turn can help you secure the job in no time.

  1. What are your greatest strengths?

This question is common in job interviews. It was meant to understand what you believe are your strongest skills and abilities.

In answering this question, think about the skills and abilities you believe makes you well suited for the job. The skills could include specific skills related to the job, like technical skills, communication skills or personal qualities like teamwork or problem-solving.

Once you have identified your strengths, choose two or three that are relevant to the job you are applying for and give examples of how you have you have been able to use them in the past.


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  1. What are your weaknesses?

Just like the previous question, this question is designed to highlight your level of self-awareness and the ability to handle constructive criticism and feedbacks. Here are some steps that should help you answer this question:

  • First, acknowledge that you have weaknesses, but don’t be overly self-critical about them.
  • Pick a Weakness that will not affect the type of job that you are applying for and ensure that it will not affect you if you eventually get hired.
  • Discuss steps you’ve taken to improve on your weaknesses.

Remember to always keep your answers focused on the fact that you have identified the weakness and you are working on it.

  1. Why did you leave your previous job?

The best approach to the question is to remain positive and professional when answering the question. You will need to focus on why you are excited about the new job opportunity rather than focusing on the negative aspects of your previous job. don’t make any negative comment about your former employer.

You should focus on growth and embracing new challenges that comes with the new job you are applying for. Remember that your interviewer wants to know why you are excited about this new job opportunity, and not why you left your previous job so your response should be positive rather than negative.

  1. Why do you want to work with us?

As a candidate looking for a job, this has to be one of the questions that is almost certain for you and you have to be careful not to give a generic response. You’re losing a chance to differentiate yourself if what you say is applicable to a large number of different companies or firms or if your reply makes you sound like every other applicant. It is important to have a clear and thoughtful answer to this question. Here is what you should consider when crafting your response:

  • Conduct a research on the company/Organization you applied for and understand its standard, goals and culture.
  • Tie your own values and goals to the company’s.
  • Mention specific aspects of the job that appeal to you and explain why they are appealing to you.

When answering questions like this, it always important to highlight your strengths and abilities and how they align with the job of the company’s goals. Your confidence and ability to showcase your skills, experience and personality, can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of getting the job.

job interview

  1. What is Your Salary Expectation?

At this stage of the interview, you are almost certain to get the job. At the same time this question can be difficult to navigate because every company has a budget they are working with, although usually subject to negotiation. They want to make sure that your expectations are in line with the budget of the company before proceeding.

Here is an example of how your answer should be:

“Considering my qualifications and experience as well as the going rates in the industry, I’m considering a salary within the range of (then add your ideal salary range and Justification). However I am open to a negotiation and I am most interested in coming to a reasonable agreement with the company”

Keep in mind that it’s usually preferable to leave room for negotiation and talk about a salary range during the interview rather than a precise amount. Since it’s easier to reach a compromise downward than upward, it’s also wiser to stay on the side of caution and give a slightly higher figure. Don’t be scared to name your price.

  1. Why should we employ you?

During this part of the interview, you have to convince the employer that you’re the perfect candidate for the job by showcasing how your skills and achievements can directly benefit the company.

Research the company beforehand to tailor your answer to their goals. Highlight the accomplishments and unique strengths that make you stand out. Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company, demonstrating how you’re a great fit for their team.

Here is an example on how your answer should be:

“I am confident that I will be a great fit for this position because of my experience in [Mention your field] and my proven ability to [Mention your achievement related to a job requirement]. In my previous role at [Mention your previous company], I [Mention the specific action you took] which resulted in [Mention your achievement]. I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong passion for this job. I’ve been following [company’s work] and believe my skills and enthusiasm would be a valuable asset to your team.”

By following these steps, you can craft a compelling answer that demonstrates your value and increases your chances of landing the job.

  1. Where Do You See Yourself in The Next 5 Years?

This is a common interview question that allows the interviewer to understand your long-term career goals and determine if they align with the position and the company. Here is an example of how your response should be:

“In five years,  I want to continually develop my skills in [Mention relevant skill] and taking on more responsibility in this field with the aim of being a go to person in handling the demands of my task.”

This response shows that your ambition and aligns with the company’s potential for growth.


Job interviews are not one of the most exciting things to look forward to, but with adequate preparation, you can confidently showcase your skills and land your dream job. This guide provides ten common interview questions and strategies to answer them effectively.

You must respond to each question carefully if you want to make a lasting impression. However, it definitely helps to practice beforehand. When the going gets tough, meticulous preparation will help you project an air of confidence and control, which will position you as the ideal candidate.

Cheers to a successful job interview!!!

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